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Social change promoters in research and innovation actions

Home: Bienvenido


Trabajando juntos en el proyecto

Transformative actions and RRI for research centers

Stakeholders, governance and management

Image by Antenna
Image by Redd F

Qualitative methods to complete your research

Scouting funding opportunities

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En el trabajo

Implementation, monitoring and dissemination actvities

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Home: Nuestros servicios

Training Portfolio

Funding Bodies 

One session focused on different competitive funding opportunities

Social Impact

Coaching in acknowledging the social effects of your actions


Training on understanding what RRI is and how to address it in a proposal

Feminism & Science

Workshops to address the issue of gender equality in science and research.

Home: Nuestros clientes
Image by National Cancer Institute


Sciencial seeks to approach the relationship between research and its social impact. Based
on this idea, we offer different services to approach researchers and research institutions to society's demands and connect the
quadruple helix actors. We aim to promote a responsible research and innovation more sustainable in time,
and more effective to tackle social challenges.
The ability to strengthen the link between the research and its social impact and ethical responsibility gets
us closer to the demands of public policies and their funding in research and innovation. The overreaching
goal is to overcome current social challenges and respond to issues that are of concern.
For this reason, our initiative promotes the generation of multidisciplinary teams capable of detecting the
social impacts of their research projects through the engagement of social demands and the development
of responsible research and innovation.

Home: Quiénes somos

About us


Sara Mas


I am passionate about involving society in leading research experiences. I had the opportunity to assist health scientists in getting competitive funding to carry out their findings. I realized that some of them understood their research as an act of activism. That is the reason I looked for the connection between them and social actors that are also waiting for answers in their field. Bridging researchers and society is part of a cultural change that can provide us with new ways of democracy, social transformation, equality, and of course, a better quality of life. Sciencial means to support stakeholders from civil society organizations, research infrastructure, and public administrations to find solutions and boost social change together.


Janna Slabbekoorn


I believe in building connections between people and knowledge, it gives confidence, empowers and gives peace of mind.  
Yet, what I see in the day-to-day practice, is that spending of public funds comes with (big) responsibilities taking the focus away from core research activities. Or, with the best of efforts, one gets drowned in information and does not have the tranquillity to focus on the research when trying to implement responsibilities without guidance. I am convinced it does not need to be like that with the appropriate people on board. 
Our support aims to deliver efficient fund management, training, research dissemination and stakeholder engagement. All are key to achieving impact and raise the visibility or your research group profile. Meanwhile it builds a trust relationship with your funding agencies. 

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